
Selasa, 22 Desember 2015


Aku bikin ini saat sebelum hubungan kita rumit

I know you’re going to found this
And now you start to read this
I dont know what it is
Lets straight to the point
I have no brave to talk to you directly
Hope you not feeling bored or droll or yawn
Oh what the hell I talking about
Just read it!

When i first saw you I never knew taht I would so in love with you
You just like a drugs for me and I’m addicted to you
Everything you do makes me love you even harder

We dreams the same dreams
We built our happiness
We have something to reach it , together

We promise to stay on each other
And won’t give up even if we have to do this way
Yeah, you know the Long Distance Relationship

At first everything’s good
We always doing voicecall, videocall
Sending picture and many stuff that makes me missed you , everytime

We came together again
For about 6 months
Everything is more amazing than before
My life is brighter day by day

People would think we’re the craziest God creatures in the entire world

Till the distance seperate us for twice

It's 'the hard time for me
I always missed you as hell
Fact that, your phone has broken
And I barely cant see your face
Except from the picture I have on my phone

You always know how to make my day
I didn’t expect you would come when my 20th birthday

Believe it or not
That was the greatest gift I’ve ever had
Tried to find another word to describe how happy I am
But I lost my word
I only can say thankyou for everything

Then you went back to your hometown
With me , I’m super duper happy
You took me to your family
I’m so blessed to God
And you said your family accept me as well
You introduce me to your friend also
You took me to the beach
The beautiful place on earth  I want to visit
Its completely happiest time that I won’t to forget till the end of my time

And here I am
back to my home
‘and you still be the one that I love the most
The reason why I put a big smile on my face when I see picture of us
People would think I’m crazy
But do I look care of what people think? Hell no

One month has gone so fast
We finaly met again on graduation day
Our mom had known each other. I’m glad
But you were here only for 2 days

Everything has changed . you have a job

And Gosh, why you always make me fall in love everytime I saw you
I cant lose you

Now we’re on this more hardest time
The time that I’m afraid off
The time that I always imagine as a night mare

I’m afraid that you’ll fall for other girl
I’m afraid there is a girl will making you happy more than I do
I’m afraid if I wasn’t the reason for that smile. Anymore
I always afraid to lose you

But this feeling still go on
Seems like I never stop loving you
And makes me even weaker

I dont know, do you feel the same?

Now I dont understand
You being so rude, and kind and rude again
Oh you have a job , right
You kind of busy and tired of work

That's your reason

All I want is just to keep being you
Being someone who tells me ‘do’ and ‘dont’
Being someone who always want me as much as I want you
Being someone who always want to see my face
Being someone who optimis that we going to met again
Being someone who tells me ‘ I miss your laugh ‘
Being someone who said ‘sleep! I dont want you to stay up all night’
Being someone who cares

I’m trying to not overacting , overthinking
No matter what happen on us I will never let you go
Nobody can replace you
The best precious thing I have in my life after my mom
But I dont know how to say

I miss the old you

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